All about Italy

Hey hey hey, I missed you sooooo much. Actually, my life runs crazy and I couldn't find time for anything. Also, I realised that I hadn't shared my post about journey to South Italy and I am super excited to do it now. I have been in Italy for 11 days and I saw almost all of South Italy, everything from Bari to Naples. We landed in Bari and almost from the first second we were catching adventures. First of all, we had to fit 5 big suitcases in the small car. It was a challenge, but ultimately we did it. As a result, we were forced to go to Naples on the way we almost weren't able to move. After 3 exhausting hours we were at the Amalfi coast which was terrific. We had a pizza and an ice cream there and all food was amazing. After some time we continued our journey to the Naples and finally we reached the destination. Actually, the environment of Naples didn't leave a big impression for me. However, our hotel was pretty good. Almost all the second day we spent on a ro...